AI Thoughts

It seems the only thing bigger than AI is talking about AI. I’ve been playing around with some AI-related things, and reading up on various aspects of AI use, so I guess it’s my turn to write down my current thoughts. This will probably end up as a series of posts, if I can get a bit more disciplined about writing here. NOTE: thoughts may change on a whim, depending on future usage and current caffeine consumption.
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Git Fixup

Quick post that’s been rattling around in my head for a while; I just want to get this down, then maybe flesh it out a bit more later. fixup is a git operation I frequently use that may not be as well known as the common commit, push, pull, etc. It’s something you need to be a bit careful about, as it “changes history”, and anyone that has your changes before you do the fixup may have some problems with differing commit histories.
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Domain Setup

When creating this blog, I did quite a bit of configuration in Cloudflare Pages to get DNS working with this domain, but I failed to document any of it. I’ve got a new blog KD0FAB Amateur Radio on a new domain, so I’m going to try to document the configuration process here so I don’t have to fumble about (as much) for the next domain. For the most part, I followed a tutorial at Smaller Fish.
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Language Similarities

For the last several years, I have participated in Advent of Code, going back and forth between using languages I use day-to-day (Elixir, Ruby) and trying languages I am not as familiar with. One year, I decided to try using Go. Among other interesting features is the capability of functions to return multiple values, rather than a single value. For example: val, err := strconv.Atoi(s) In the above line of code, we want to turn a string value s into an integer value val.
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First Post

New year, new blog. Let’s see how long I can keep this thing going.
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